Resources / Blog

5th February 2021
Live Stream Recording: How to Do It and Why You Want To

If your business is live streaming, then you already know the benefits it provides. You also know putting on a live stream takes planning and effort. Once it’s over, though, it’s over. But it doesn’t have to be. If you record your live stream, you can use that content in on-demand video projects designed to grow your business.

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29th January 2021
Looking Ahead to Video Streaming in 2021

We probably all have our fingers crossed 2021 will be different than 2020, but there’s little doubt it will be good for video streaming. But will the trends that took off last year continue? Will there be major changes in technology? It’s time to check-in and make some predictions about these and other questions.

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22nd January 2021
The Role of Live Video in Remote Working

Last year, live video in remote working became essential. The technology is one reason so many could do their jobs from home when the pandemic forced both employees and employers to rethink how they work. And it looks as if the shift to remote working is something here to stay. Statistics show that over the previous five years the percentage of people working from home in the UK grew steadily, albeit slowly. But thanks to Covid-19, the percentage of people working from home jumped from 5% in 2019 to 48% in April 2020.

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15th January 2021
Looking Back at Video Streaming in 2020

There’s only one way to look back at 2020, and that’s through the lens of the pandemic. While lockdowns slowed the pace of life for most people, they provided rocket boosters for the streaming industry. It’s safe to say nearly everyone, worldwide, participated in some aspect of video streaming from binge-watching to participating in online meetings or classes.

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5th January 2021
WiFi vs Ethernet for Streaming: Which is Best?

WiFi will always be a desirable and convenient way for us to access the internet, requiring only the device we’re using and no messy wires. Despite WiFi being the newer and shinier way to connect to the internet though, it doesn’t mean its the most reliable and best option for streamers to go for. The Zidivo team are going to set the record straight on which type of internet connection you should be using and why.

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18th December 2020
Using Video For SEO: How & Why?

Video is constantly becoming more prevalent in every aspect of the online world, with practically every post we scroll past on social media now consisting of a video, whether its a 30 second TikTok or a longer sob story that ends up holding our attention. Video is only going to become more of a focus for every online marketing strategy and Google recognises this, with search engines displaying more and more video results for a wider range of informational search queries.

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13th December 2020
Christmas Video Ideas for Businesses in 2020

Despite the obstacles that COVID-19 has thrown our way this Christmas, modern technology has meant that many businesses can efficiently work from home and stay connected with both their colleagues and their target markets. How? Primarily through video and live streaming, which has meant Zoom meetings, virtual concerts, online pub quizzes and more are the new norm. Zidivo is here to share their favourite Christmas video content ideas for 2020.

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2nd December 2020
How & Why Virtual Concerts Are The Future

The global pandemic was something none of us expected from 2020, and aside from the clear challenges this has placed on our national health service, many other industries have suffered and had to adapt too. The music industry is one of these, with all live and in-person concerts, gigs, theatre performances being entirely off the cards. Zidivo have put together a simple guide to hosting a virtual concert and some key reasons why virtual events are so crucial in the current climate.

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20th November 2020
The Art Of The 'How-To' Video: How To Get It Right

How-to videos are arguably the most popular form of video we see as we scroll through our social feeds or through search engine results pages. Why? Whether your audience are looking to follow a recipe, learn how to use a piece of software, or build a piece of furniture, how-to videos go further in explaining something than text alone ever can. We explain how to get a how-to video right.

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13th November 2020
Lessons from Streaming Media West

Every year Streaming Media holds conferences sharing the state of the industry, forecasts, and in-depth training. In the fall, they usually meet in California so they can soak up some sun while mingling with other people in the industry. This year is not like others though, and like everyone else they needed to make other plans. We attended some of the live-streamed sessions - keep reading to see what lessons we took away with us.

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