Resources / Documentation / Video Assets

How to Manage Video Assets in Your Zidivo Account

How to Upload a Video

To upload your first video file go to Asset Library > Videos

Click 'Upload Video' and you'll see this (right).

Title: Name your video file, for your reference.

Upload Type:

Option 1, Select File - choose a video file from your computer to upload to your account.

Option 2, External File - Enter a URL destination for where a video file is stored (e.g. GoogleDrive/OneDrive sharing URL etc).

video upload

Playlist: If you have already created a manual playlist you can select it here and add your video.

Tags: These are dual-purpose, both to help you organise your video assets and to populate smart playlists.

Learn more about Playlists.

In order to display your uploaded video on your website you will need to create a Campaign. Learn how to setup a Campaign.

30 day free trial

Our 30 day free trial includes access to all features as well as 5GB to get you started. No obligation and no cards required. Just reach out if you want to discuss any aspect of your streaming project.
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