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8 Steps to Writing a Successful Video Script [Infographic]

[Infographic] 8 Steps to Writing a Successful Video Script

So, you already know that you can't ignore video and you're ready to start knocking together some short promos for your business. You might think it's easy to get started, but the reality is it's hard starting from a blank canvas when it comes to video production, you really need to think about your purpose and plan it all out to meet your goals.

Despite the fact that some videos may be less than a minute, a well scripted and produced video can take months to get right and take a huge amount of work. If you've got the budget, we'd always recommend working with a professional - but if you don't, something is definitely better than nothing and with a little thought, you can still get a great result for a fraction of the cost.

Related Article: How To Write A Brand Video Script In 8 Simple Steps

If you're considering writing your own brand video script, we've put together some tips in the above infographic to help you get the right result.

  1. Be clear on the message you want to send: A video should convey a simple message that encourages viewers to adopt the behaviour you want. Work out what type of video you intend to make.
  2. Know your audience: The more information you have on your audience, the easier it is to decide on a story and presentation which will appeal to them.
  3. Decide on a story: This isn't always told directly through the script. Watch other videos with a similar message that you like for some inspiration.
  4. Develop the story: (i) Engage from the first second; (ii) Focus on the story; (iii) Bring the characters to life and build the tension.
  5. Think about the ending: A twist at the end, some suspense or even an unhappy ending can all bring the viewer back for more.
  6. Consider the CTA: How does the ending relate to the call to action? The ending needs to be as powerful as the beginning - remember the goal of the video, link it with the behaviour you want to see.
  7. Timing: Once your script is written, read it aloud to check for timing. Most people write far too much and need to cut out irrelevant words. Less is almost always more when it comes to a brand video script.
  8. Testing: Once you are as happy with your script as possible, it's time to read it to others. Ideally, the script needs to be heard and considered by your marketing team who will give you feedback you need.

Once you've got your video finished, you need to make sure you use a professional hosting service to make it look its best. Grab a 30-day trial below and see for yourself.

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Our 30 day free trial includes access to all features as well as 5GB to get you started. No obligation and no cards required. Just reach out if you want to discuss any aspect of your streaming project.
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