
Spoton Ltd

Contact Information
Spoton Ltd
Hawthornden Road, Northern Ireland BT4 3ND
Detailed Information

I started in production in 1980. With a background in Graphic Design, I spent 5 years as art director and producer for Greendow, a Manchester production company working mainly on rostrum camera, Digital Video Efects (DVE) and computer animated commercials. I started my own company in 1985 and consider myself to be as much of an advertising man as a film maker. I reckon I have a total understanding of how an agency works and what a client expects. Never happier than when working on a production from concept to completion, I relish getting involved in creative and client meetings, briefing my crew, extracting performances from the cast and getting totally immersed in the post production. I see every production as a collaboration of many specialists but particularly enjoy working with the agency creative team whose ideas I help bring to fruition.

30 day free trial

Our 30 day free trial includes access to all features as well as 5GB to get you started. No obligation and no cards required. Just reach out if you want to discuss any aspect of your streaming project.
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