

Contact Information
1416 Broadway Street, Fresno, California 93721
Detailed Information

We’ve made the process as flexible as possible and we are happy to help you take advantage of any of the following scenarios:

-Hire our production company to produce your project from start to finish.
-Book talent and crew directly yourself.
-Have us help you book a stellar video team.

Every shoot is different and our mission is to be the best resource for your specific video production needs. We are dedicated to digitizing and democratizing the talent & crew referral process. We want to make it as simple as possible to book various rockstar video production companies & professionals throughout the country by utilizing the wisdom of the crowd philosophy. We’ve built this system around thorough referrals and useful video production resources. We can’t wait for you to try out the platform and make your next video a total success.

We’re here to help you in any way that we can to get the team you need for your next production. We believe that every level of video production can benefit from a well-maintained list of qualified professionals for every position. If you need a producer to handle all the decision-making then we can totally do that. If you’re already a producer and want to build your own crew & talent from scratch then go for it! We’re here to make your next production a success. And if you’re a video professional looking for producers that want you, then you’ve come to the right place. Sign up now and leave a referral for any solid people that you know that are already on here! Thanks for stopping by, and happy shooting!

Call us: 855-279-4800 or start a conversation with one of our producers

30 day free trial

Our 30 day free trial includes access to all features as well as 5GB to get you started. No obligation and no cards required. Just reach out if you want to discuss any aspect of your streaming project.
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